Finding the perfect solution to erratic power supply at a low operational cost is tough. We help you take care of your power needs by making it easy for you to source your renewable energy products and all the accessories required to install them. Power becomes one less thing to worry about when you plug into the sun.
Vtsolarenergy was founded in 2015 and was brought to the web in 2016 with the aim of demystifying renewable energy. It is set out to reach out to renewable energy potential switch clients with free educational content, technical support and best pricing. Our website is
What we do:
We provide cost competitive renewable energy products and accessories which includes but not limited to panels, street light, inverters, solar charge controllers, deep cycle batteries, water heaters etc.
Our Vision :
A world powered on clean energy.
Our mission
To help homes and businesses in generating clean and sustainable solar-based electricity while maximizing their return on investment.
Our Values
We put our customers first.
Find more informations on our website: www.vtsolarenergy.com.ng